Episode 4

Stupid Things

Jimmy begins by saying, "Stupid is something that breaks up the tedium of excellence."

With this definition, The Three-Headed Man retells his embarrassing, stupid things. We each confess a few moments of our stupidity: Jimmy's tale of an auto accident, Jazzy's almost tragic late night banking visitor, and Phreddie's frat-boy antics. Following our confessions, we begin to place our stupid things in context, and our conversation begins to investigate the label of "stupid."

Jazzy says, "How do you know something's stupid until you do it?"

He continues by revealing a personal tragedy about insured investments, and through this "stupid thing," the beginnings of the The Three-Headed Man is formed.

So, yeah...in this episode we tell just a little of the "how we met" story. Or, more aptly, how we become friends. We make friends with stupidity and and tell of our friendship with each other.

About the Podcast

Show artwork for The Three-Headed Man
The Three-Headed Man
Talking To Ourselves For Over 25 Years

About your host

Profile picture for Fred M Schill

Fred M Schill

I like to do. I like to make things. And, I like telling stories. I tell stories to myself and to others.

First, a short biography, which is, of course, is a story. I was born in Cleveland, played sports, and attended university. Later, after a few years in the radio business, I returned to university to study education and literature.

With a teaching certificate in my file folder, I began working in high schools, first as a strike-breaking scab substitute teacher in Cleveland's far suburbs, and then in Chicago, mostly in private high schools.

Cleveland and Chicago. My two main towns, and I escaped them both. Presently, I live in a tiny, isolated, mountain village in Spain. I am reluctant to write the name of the town because I don't like tourists. When the tourists arrive, they look at me as if I am an animal in a zoo.